One of the original and the best awnings on the market developed decades ago but still highly relevant today.
This awning has truely stood the test of time remaining simple, strong and functional. The ATR awning is one of the few systems that can be safely left out in nearly all weather conditions.
With strong solid steel electroplated side guides and arms ranging from 150mm to 900mm, these awnings were built tough.
the simple twist and lift mechanism allows for quick setting of desired positions anywhere along the guide rods and once the desired location is reached the ATR will pretty well stay put. when high winds are experienced the “Automatic TopRoll” awning will potentially roll itself away keeping it from any damage.
A spring loaded top roller keeps the awning under top awning under constant tension and helps maintain a taught, neat look for your material over its lifetime.
With arms set off the walls the ATR allows for generous flow of air into open windows and prevents heat from being trapped between your material and your home.
Being a close fitting awning when required allows for this awning to be great on first floor applications, but second story windows can still be reached an extended pole to help raise and lower your awning.
When not in use your awning can be rolled away and left under the protection of the colourbond head-box, keeping the material safe from the sun and rain.